rreg - Visualization for Norwegian Health Quality Registries
Assists for presentation and visualization of data from the Norwegian Health Quality Registries following the standardization based on the requirement specified by the National Service for Health Quality Registries. This requirement can be accessed from (<https://www.kvalitetsregistre.no/resultater-til-publisering-pa-nett>). Unfortunately the website is only available in Norwegian.
Last updated 5 years ago
2.70 score 1 stars 8 scripts 249 downloadsaimPlot - Create Pie Like Plot for Completeness
Create a pie like plot to visualise if the aim or several aims of a project is achieved or close to be achieved i.e the aim is achieved when the point is at the center of the pie plot. Imagine it's like a dartboard and the center means 100% completeness/achievement. Achievement can also be understood as 100% coverage. The standard distribution of completeness allocated in the pie plot is 50%, 80% and 100% completeness.
Last updated 9 years ago
2.70 score 2 scripts 259 downloads